10K (417 ) Zlatý Náramok Na Nohu Radiant
Predstavujeme náš podmanivý náramok na nohy, Kovy 417, vyrobený z 10K bieleho, žltého a ružového zlata. Tento nádherný kúsok obsahuje očarujúce mesačné kúzlo zdobené trblietavými diamantmi, ktoré dodáva každému vzhľadu nádych nebeskej elegancie. Dostupné vo veľkostiach Small, Medium a Large, zaisťuje pohodlné a štýlové prispôsobenie každému nositeľovi. Náramok na nohu Kovy 417 je precízne vyrobený z 10K bieleho, žltého a ružového zlata a ponúka luxusný doplnok vhodný na každú príležitosť. Pridanie mesačného kúzla dodáva tomuto úžasnému kúsku rozmarný a očarujúci prvok.
Product details
- KovZlato
- FarbaBiela, Žltá, Ružová
- ŠarmMesiac
- Celková Hmotnosť Kovu Šarmucca1.33 g
- KameňDiamant
- Typ KameňaNatural
- Kameň Qauntitycca 30 psc
- Celková Karátová Hmotnosťcca 0.15 crt
- Čistota diamantuSI2
- Free ground shipping 23 business days
- Express delivery options are also available
- We deliver in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain
- Details about shipping methods, costs, and delivery times can be found in frequently asked questions about delivery
Returns and Exchanges
- All Omara products are made to order according to customer requirements. Products can only be returned if they do not meet requirements and quality standards. In such case, the product can be returned within 30 calendar days from the date of delivery.
- See terms and procedures in our frequently asked questions about returning goods
- Customer is responsible for shipping fees for returns and original shipping/handling fees are non-refundable.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Information about frequently asked questions regarding diamonds, engravings, payment, and delivery can be found here.
- Detailed information about types of metals can be found here.
- Detailed information about sizes and adjustments and a guide to selecting the correct size can be found here.
- Detailed information about types of chains and their lengths can be found here.
- Detailed information about caring for jewelry can be found here.
- Information about diamonds and precious stones can be found here.
Tips for Questions
Provide the title of your question and a detailed description. The more unique and informative your question is, the better chance you have of connecting with specialists.
Additional Tips
- Keep your questions short and constructive
- Check for grammatical or spelling errors
- Phrase it as a question
Ask The Question
Náramok na nohu Kovy 417, zdobený oslnivými diamantmi, sa môže pochváliť celkovou hmotnosťou približne 0,15 krt. Tieto prírodné okrúhle diamanty sú sta10KRtlivo osadené s hodnotením čistoty SI2, čo zaisťuje výnimočnú iskru a lesk. Každý náramok obsahuje približne 30 diamantov, každý s veľkosťou 1 mm, sta10KRtlivo vybraných a osadených tak, aby zvýraznili ich krásu a žiarivosť. Zažite pôvab nočnej oblohy s náramkom na nohy Kovy 417. Či už sa nosí samostatne ako výrazný kúsok alebo v kombinácii s inými doplnkami, tento náramok dodá každému celku nebeský nádych, vďaka čomu je ideálny na formálne príležitosti aj každodenné nosenie.
- Free ground shipping 23 business days
- Express delivery options are also available
- We deliver in Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden, Croatia, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain
- Details about shipping methods, costs, and delivery times can be found in frequently asked questions about delivery
Returns and Exchanges
- All Omara products are made to order according to customer requirements. Products can only be returned if they do not meet requirements and quality standards. In such case, the product can be returned within 30 calendar days from the date of delivery.
- See terms and procedures in our frequently asked questions about returning goods
- Customer is responsible for shipping fees for returns and original shipping/handling fees are non-refundable.